- Summary
Time played:113H 54M 8SGames played:356Current Credits:53,257Leaderboards:#188,764 (Top 10%)#67,035 (Top 12%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Feb 16, 2014 21:12Cobra Missile Launcher UseFeb 12, 2014 17:41Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesFeb 11, 2014 22:38Geth Hunter Points 1Feb 7, 2014 22:19Unknown Enemy ExtractionsFeb 7, 2014 21:39Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsFeb 3, 2014 22:33Hex Shield UseFeb 3, 2014 22:03Headshots 3Feb 3, 2014 21:37Hazard ExtractionsFeb 3, 2014 21:11Melee Damage Use 3Feb 1, 2014 20:36
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery80%
17 of 21Tech Mastery76%
10 of 13Phaeston Use98%
197687 of 200000Firebase Giant: Bronze Waves97%
97 of 100Guardian Points 397%
440700 of 450000Atlas Points 396%
435775 of 450000Overload Use93%
46740 of 50000Dragoon Points 391%
410938 of 450000Annihilation Field Use91%
45795 of 50000Geth Pyro Points 190%
135577 of 150000