- Summary
Time played:1251H 16M 26SGames played:3529Current Credits:512,003Leaderboards:#1,248 (Top 1%)#42,144 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase London ExtractionsJan 21, 2014 20:25Dragoon Points 3Jan 18, 2014 05:09Headshots 3Jan 17, 2014 16:18Collector Trooper Points 3Jan 16, 2014 05:29Marauder Points 3Jan 14, 2014 10:45Brute Points 3Jan 14, 2014 09:37Over-Cover Grab 3Jan 14, 2014 09:34Ravager Points 2Jan 14, 2014 09:14Firebase Reactor: Silver WavesJan 14, 2014 08:10Abomination Points 2Jan 14, 2014 07:53
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Melee Damage Use 399%
994349 of 1000000Smash Use94%
47022 of 50000Firebase Condor Extractions93%
14 of 15Promotions91%
44 of 48Nemesis Points 291%
275335 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 390%
407757 of 450000Javelin Use90%
126225 of 140000Geth Hunter Points 389%
401339 of 450000