
- Summary
Time played:301H 44M 48SGames played:909Current Credits:93,526Leaderboards:#36,556 (Top 2%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Incinerate UseMar 29, 2015 23:38Banshee Points 1Mar 29, 2015 23:04M-6 Carnifex UseMay 15, 2014 02:09Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3May 15, 2014 02:04Biotic Charge UseMay 15, 2014 01:21Collector SMG UseMay 12, 2014 22:18Collector SMG UseMay 12, 2014 22:18Javelin UseMay 11, 2014 23:56Machine MasteryMay 11, 2014 23:56N7 Paladin ExtractionsMay 11, 2014 23:06
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Firebase Condor: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100Hazard: Gold Waves94%
189 of 200M-99 Saber Use92%
130170 of 140000Firebase Rio Extractions86%
13 of 15Scion Points 186%
129879 of 150000Geth Bomber Points 386%
391061 of 450000Nemesis Points 285%
255104 of 300000Batarian Sentinel Extractions80%
8 of 10