Best of the Best

- Summary
Time played:739H 21M 57SGames played:2460Current Credits:56,256Leaderboards:#4,305 (Top 1%)#6,922 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsJul 3, 2014 17:05N7 Slayer ExtractionsJun 14, 2014 17:08Earth MasteryJun 14, 2014 17:08Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseMar 26, 2014 16:09Guardian Points 2Mar 22, 2014 15:33In-Game Medals EarnedMar 1, 2014 18:16Collector Trooper Points 3Mar 1, 2014 16:36Husk Points 2Mar 1, 2014 15:05Hazard: Bronze WavesFeb 25, 2014 14:39Quarian Engineer ExtractionsFeb 22, 2014 15:09
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Barrier Use97%
48883 of 50000Centurion Points 296%
290320 of 300000Scion Points 295%
287207 of 300000Solo Bronze90%
9 of 10Geth Spitfire Use90%
181687 of 200000Firebase Hydra: Bronze Waves90%
90 of 100Geth Bomber Points 390%
408558 of 450000Cabal Vanguard Waves Completed89%
178 of 200