
- Summary
Time played:1479H 30M 25SGames played:4116Current Credits:10,492,242Leaderboards:#16,306 (Top 1%)#1,683 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Ghost: Bronze WavesMay 14, 2021 17:01Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesMay 14, 2021 17:01Firebase Ghost: Gold WavesMay 14, 2021 17:01Scion Points 3Oct 4, 2020 20:44Awakened Collector ExtractionsJul 4, 2020 14:23Brute Points 2Jun 26, 2020 15:40Banshee Points 2Jun 26, 2020 15:33Firebase Jade: Gold WavesJun 26, 2020 15:24Firebase Jade: Silver WavesJun 26, 2020 15:24Firebase Jade: Bronze WavesJun 26, 2020 15:24
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Map Mastery90%
36 of 40Geth Rocket Trooper Points 399%
446930 of 450000Ravager Points 297%
292632 of 300000Collector Sniper Rifle Use97%
136040 of 140000Collector Trooper Points 296%
288450 of 300000Collector Assault Rifle Use95%
191441 of 200000Geth Trooper Points 294%
284723 of 300000Volus Engineer Waves Completed93%
187 of 200Brute Points 392%
416228 of 450000