- Summary
Time played:120H 8M 15SGames played:354Current Credits:53,525Leaderboards:#53,255 (Top 3%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-76 Revenant UseAug 20, 2013 15:27PromotionsApr 3, 2013 18:23Tech Explosions Detonated 1Apr 3, 2013 18:04Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Apr 3, 2013 17:57Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Apr 2, 2013 15:40Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 6, 2013 15:51Operation Lodestar (Normal)Mar 6, 2013 15:12Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 6, 2013 15:12
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery16%
1 of 6Biotic Mastery14%
2 of 14Warp Use98%
49272 of 50000Biotic Slash Use96%
48038 of 50000Throw Use92%
46389 of 50000Electric Slash Use85%
42586 of 50000Gold Extractions64%
16 of 25Silver Extractions64%
16 of 25Bronze Extractions64%
16 of 25Phantom Points 162%
94112 of 150000