
- Summary
Time played:154H 36M 7SGames played:448Current Credits:67,647Leaderboards:#72,210 (Top 4%)#29,823 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Trooper Waves CompletedJun 17, 2018 20:32Firebase Vancouver: Gold WavesJun 17, 2018 19:49Alliance Infiltrator ExtractionsDec 27, 2014 07:47Snap Freeze UseDec 27, 2014 07:23Geth Hunter Points 3Apr 12, 2014 14:02Tech Explosions Detonated 3Feb 27, 2014 13:06Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Jan 26, 2014 15:15Dragoon Points 3Jan 19, 2014 05:03Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsJan 16, 2014 01:07Marauder Points 3Jan 16, 2014 00:42
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery85%
34 of 40Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18M-11 Wraith Use99%
138895 of 140000Geth Pyro Points 398%
442270 of 450000Collector Trooper Points 395%
429849 of 450000Collector Captain Points 295%
287884 of 300000Biotic Orbs Use95%
47967 of 50000Guardian Points 294%
282015 of 300000Abomination Points 292%
277816 of 300000Praetorian Points 392%
414173 of 450000