- Summary
Time played:372H 48M 49SGames played:964Current Credits:1,132,842Leaderboards:#207,432 (Top 11%)#21,771 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Nemesis Points 1Sep 27, 2014 05:38Praetorian Points 2Sep 25, 2014 06:13Phantom Points 3Sep 23, 2014 05:48Geth Prime Points 2Sep 19, 2014 06:31Collector Captain Points 1Jul 11, 2014 06:22Abomination Points 1Jul 11, 2014 06:12Atlas Points 2Jun 28, 2014 08:09Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jun 28, 2014 07:52Scion Points 1Jun 28, 2014 07:27Collector Trooper Points 1Jun 28, 2014 07:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery92%
37 of 40Reaper Mastery77%
14 of 18Centurion Points 198%
148238 of 150000Geth Pyro Points 295%
286536 of 300000Firebase Hydra Extractions93%
14 of 15Geth Bomber Points 292%
277538 of 300000Atlas Points 391%
410967 of 450000Firebase Reactor: Gold Waves89%
89 of 100Firebase Vancouver: Gold Waves87%
87 of 100Ravager Points 386%
388173 of 450000