
- Summary
Time played:303H 12M 11SGames played:903Current Credits:53,217Leaderboards:#18,084 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Praetorian Points 2Aug 19, 2014 06:20Hazard: Bronze WavesAug 19, 2014 06:15Arc Pistol UseAug 12, 2014 06:27Geth Bomber Points 2Aug 12, 2014 05:47Scion Points 2Aug 12, 2014 05:13Tech Explosions Detonated 2Aug 12, 2014 05:13Hazard ExtractionsAug 12, 2014 04:23Melee Damage Use 1Aug 11, 2014 23:06Firebase Vancouver: Gold WavesAug 11, 2014 23:05Spectre MasteryAug 11, 2014 22:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14Vorcha Sentinel Waves Completed98%
196 of 200Geth Rocket Trooper Points 298%
294576 of 300000Centurion Points 297%
293654 of 300000Husk Points 297%
293548 of 300000Abomination Points 294%
283185 of 300000Collector Trooper Points 391%
409880 of 450000Phantom Points 389%
402068 of 450000Pistol Medals88%
88 of 100