Best of the Best

- Summary
Time played:1497H 33M 36SGames played:3495Current Credits:37,116Leaderboards:#223 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Energy Drain UseJan 5, 2018 07:37M-98 Widow UseJan 5, 2018 07:28Salarian Infiltrator Waves CompletedJan 5, 2018 06:57Sniper Rifle MedalsJan 5, 2018 06:38Shadow Strike UseJan 5, 2018 06:14AT-12 Raider Shotgun UseJan 5, 2018 04:23Tech Explosions Detonated 3Jan 5, 2018 03:51Biotic Slash UseMar 24, 2017 04:46Batarian Brawler Waves CompletedMar 24, 2017 03:55Geth Trooper Points 2Mar 24, 2017 03:53
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Retaliation Mastery83%
5 of 6Promotions98%
59 of 60Biotic Explosions Detonated 198%
49 of 50Ballistic Blade Use98%
49011 of 50000Scion Points 198%
148497 of 150000Firebase White: Platinum Waves97%
97 of 100Arc Pistol Use97%
195578 of 200000Grenade Damage Use 396%
288687 of 300000Firebase Giant: Platinum Waves93%
93 of 100