Stood Fast, Stood Strong, Stood Together

- Summary
Time played:391H 44M 5SGames played:1177Current Credits:123,699Leaderboards:#59,378 (Top 3%)#24,731 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Captain Points 1Apr 26, 2020 17:04Scion Points 1Apr 26, 2020 16:57Firebase Giant: Silver WavesApr 27, 2019 20:00Geth Prime Points 1Jan 4, 2017 03:59Banshee Points 1Jan 2, 2017 00:59Centurion Points 1Dec 30, 2016 04:34Geth MasteryDec 27, 2016 00:37Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Dec 27, 2016 00:37Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesDec 25, 2016 04:13Firebase Hydra: Bronze WavesDec 25, 2016 04:09
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery90%
36 of 40Combat Mastery75%
9 of 12Hazard: Gold Waves98%
197 of 200Points Earned98%
24622581 of 25000000Hazard Extractions98%
49 of 50Firebase Condor: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100N7 Hurricane Use93%
131084 of 140000Firebase Jade: Platinum Waves90%
90 of 100Geth Hunter Points 190%
135493 of 150000Praetorian Points 285%
255850 of 300000