
- Summary
Time played:1243H 46M 49SGames played:3543Current Credits:3,146,597Leaderboards:#6,242 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Banshee Points 2Apr 16, 2017 16:49Husk Points 1Apr 16, 2017 16:37Brute Points 2Mar 19, 2017 16:58Female Quarian Infiltrator Waves CompletedAug 2, 2016 20:21Particle Rifle UseJan 29, 2016 04:39Grenade Damage Use 1Aug 17, 2015 00:11Ravager Points 1Oct 7, 2014 06:58Headshots 1Oct 7, 2014 06:53Cerberus Harrier UseOct 7, 2014 06:40N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseSep 4, 2014 00:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Shockwave Use99%
49938 of 50000Abomination Points 399%
449302 of 450000Firebase White: Gold Waves98%
98 of 100Headshots 296%
483 of 500N7 Piranha Use95%
133638 of 140000N7 Eagle Use95%
133092 of 140000Marauder Points 294%
282650 of 300000Geth Engineer Waves Completed91%
183 of 200