- Summary
Time played:105H 2M 11SGames played:373Current Credits:2,661Leaderboards:#86,891 (Top 5%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Goddess ExtractionsJan 15, 2014 23:41Executioner Pistol UseJan 11, 2014 00:08Collector Assault Rifle UseJan 9, 2014 01:30Firebase London ExtractionsJan 9, 2014 00:44N7 Slayer ExtractionsJan 8, 2014 05:47Silver ExtractionsJan 7, 2014 03:06Collector Rifle UseJan 7, 2014 00:50Smash UseJan 6, 2014 06:59Geth Pyro Points 1Jan 6, 2014 02:08N7 Fury ExtractionsJan 5, 2014 07:28
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Squad Elite62%
5 of 8Turian Sentinel Waves Completed98%
197 of 200M-12 Locust Use96%
135768 of 140000Promotions95%
23 of 24Phantom Points 193%
139690 of 150000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed92%
185 of 200Annihilation Field Use92%
46395 of 50000Husk Points 190%
136422 of 150000Volus Engineer Extractions90%
9 of 10