
- Summary
Time played:239H 21M 7SGames played:789Current Credits:30,817Leaderboards:#25,795 (Top 2%)#18,066 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Dragoon Points 2Sep 5, 2014 20:50Turian Havoc ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 20:05Collector MasterySep 5, 2014 19:23Praetorian Points 3Sep 5, 2014 19:23Cannibal Points 1Sep 5, 2014 04:48Krogan Warlord ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 04:06Headshots 3Sep 5, 2014 03:35Krogan Battlemaster ExtractionsSep 5, 2014 02:27Resurgence MasterySep 5, 2014 02:27Geth Plasma SMG UseSep 5, 2014 00:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery88%
16 of 18N7 Mastery83%
5 of 6Centurion Points 394%
423819 of 450000Geth Prime Points 393%
421864 of 450000Promotions93%
56 of 60Electrical Hammer Use89%
44859 of 50000M-7 Lancer Use89%
179703 of 200000Guardian Points 288%
264677 of 300000Geth Engineer Waves Completed88%
177 of 200Turian Proximity Mine Use88%
44001 of 50000