
- Summary
Time played:508H 33M 57SGames played:1559Current Credits:216,394Leaderboards:#6,393 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-8 Avenger UseSep 5, 2015 19:06Grenade Damage Use 3Sep 5, 2015 17:37Husk Points 1Sep 5, 2015 17:05Geth Infiltrator Waves CompletedSep 3, 2015 22:02Geth Proximity Mine UseSep 3, 2015 21:57Guardian Points 3Sep 3, 2015 21:36Marauder Points 2Sep 3, 2015 20:54Collector Captain Points 3Sep 3, 2015 19:49Praetorian Points 2Sep 3, 2015 19:48Phaeston UseSep 3, 2015 17:50
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18M-6 Carnifex Use98%
137372 of 140000Striker Assault Rifle Use97%
194425 of 200000Acolyte Use95%
191792 of 200000Scion Points 394%
425149 of 450000Blood Pack Punisher Use94%
188046 of 200000Assault Rifle Medals93%
93 of 100Cannibal Points 292%
278105 of 300000Striker Assault Rifle Use91%
127655 of 140000