
- Summary
Time played:442H 32M 57SGames played:1307Current Credits:491,083Leaderboards:#15,023 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Goddess: Bronze WavesJun 16, 2014 19:07Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jun 16, 2014 19:02Talon Mercenary Waves CompletedJun 16, 2014 15:48Phantom Points 1Jun 15, 2014 17:25Marauder Points 2Jun 15, 2014 16:56Abomination Points 2Jun 15, 2014 16:22Geth Engineer Waves CompletedJun 15, 2014 02:49Machine MasteryJun 15, 2014 02:49Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jun 15, 2014 02:47Overload UseJun 15, 2014 02:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Pistol Mastery75%
6 of 8Geth Hunter Points 298%
296117 of 300000Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves97%
97 of 100Collector Trooper Points 396%
434403 of 450000Waves Completed95%
2384 of 2500Geth Pulse Rifle Use94%
132653 of 140000Geth Engineer Extractions90%
9 of 10Cannibal Points 390%
407623 of 450000M-99 Saber Use89%
124685 of 140000