Death Guard

- Summary
Time played:224H 27M 55SGames played:759Current Credits:83,348Leaderboards:#45,052 (Top 3%)#22,887 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Dragoon Points 3Jul 17, 2014 02:17Collector Captain Points 3Jul 14, 2014 02:00PromotionsJul 14, 2014 01:34M-11 Suppressor UseJul 14, 2014 01:28Reaper MasteryJul 14, 2014 01:24Husk Points 3Jul 14, 2014 01:24Annihilation Field UseJul 14, 2014 01:13Geth Juggernaut Waves CompletedJul 6, 2014 18:57Banshee Points 3Jul 6, 2014 18:22Collector Rifle UseJul 6, 2014 16:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12In-Game Medals Earned99%
4971 of 5000Female Quarian Infiltrator Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Sniper Rifle Medals97%
97 of 100Scion Points 397%
436683 of 450000Cerberus Harrier Use96%
134744 of 140000Geth Prime Points 395%
429312 of 450000Praetorian Points 294%
284579 of 300000Phantom Points 394%
424494 of 450000