- Summary
Time played:19H 15M 34SGames played:75Current Credits:20,117Leaderboards:#473,799 (Top 24%)#146,392 (Top 27%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Charge UseAug 3, 2018 20:32Geth Pulse Rifle UseAug 3, 2018 20:07Unknown Enemy ExtractionsAug 1, 2018 05:01Cannibal Points 1Aug 1, 2018 04:44Headshots 1Jun 13, 2013 16:34Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jun 9, 2013 20:48Bronze ExtractionsJun 8, 2013 17:31Geth Pulse Rifle UseJun 8, 2013 16:09Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jun 8, 2013 03:47Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Jun 8, 2013 03:05
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite25%
2 of 8Tech Mastery15%
2 of 13Warp Use92%
46128 of 50000Throw Use91%
45863 of 50000Silver Extractions84%
21 of 25Unknown Map Extractions84%
21 of 25M-8 Avenger Use74%
104455 of 140000Collector Trooper Points 169%
104112 of 150000Hazard: Bronze Waves67%
134 of 200Firebase Giant: Bronze Waves63%
63 of 100