- Summary
Time played:386H 27M 14SGames played:1112Current Credits:13,530Leaderboards:#36,444 (Top 2%)#25,115 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Siege Pulse UseDec 26, 2020 03:36Tech MasteryDec 26, 2020 03:36Cannibal Points 1Dec 24, 2020 04:01Collector Captain Points 3Dec 24, 2020 03:16Praetorian Points 2Dec 24, 2020 02:02Banshee Points 1Jul 17, 2014 20:30Brute Points 1Jul 17, 2014 20:13Marauder Points 1Jul 8, 2014 14:56Krogan Warlord Waves CompletedJul 7, 2014 00:20Centurion Points 3Jul 6, 2014 18:20
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Gold Extractions96%
24 of 25Scion Points 396%
435195 of 450000Vorcha Soldier Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Ravager Points 192%
138265 of 150000Nemesis Points 290%
271890 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 190%
136091 of 150000Combat Drone Use90%
45218 of 50000Geth Trooper Points 189%
133663 of 150000