
- Summary
Time played:1393H 5M 18SGames played:3799Current Credits:1,256,997Leaderboards:#756 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Scion Points 1Aug 1, 2014 17:09Geth Turret UseAug 1, 2014 16:48Headshots 2Aug 1, 2014 16:17Solo MasteryAug 1, 2014 10:35Solo BronzeAug 1, 2014 10:35Hazard: Silver WavesJul 29, 2014 17:27Overload UseJul 29, 2014 17:27Reaper MasteryJul 29, 2014 17:26Husk Points 3Jul 29, 2014 17:26Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jul 29, 2014 15:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Firebase Dagger: Platinum Waves99%
99 of 100In-Game Medals Earned99%
4951 of 5000Grenade Damage Use 198%
98272 of 100000Asari Huntress Waves Completed97%
194 of 200Points Earned97%
24251175 of 25000000Tech Explosions Detonated 394%
471 of 500Geth Rocket Trooper Points 192%
138426 of 150000N7 Typhoon Use91%
182534 of 200000