- Summary
Time played:248H 37M 52SGames played:874Current Credits:19,334Leaderboards:#60,712 (Top 4%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Slash UseAug 23, 2014 21:55N7 Slayer ExtractionsAug 23, 2014 08:04Guardian Points 2Aug 23, 2014 06:38Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsAug 23, 2014 04:23Brute Points 3Aug 19, 2014 18:20Phoenix Adept ExtractionsAug 19, 2014 06:52Collector Captain Points 3Aug 19, 2014 06:39Abomination Points 3Aug 19, 2014 06:07Smash UseAug 19, 2014 06:03Husk Points 2Aug 18, 2014 15:43
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Collector Mastery86%
13 of 15Geth Bomber Points 298%
295634 of 300000Banshee Points 294%
283721 of 300000Assault Rifle Medals94%
94 of 100Praetorian Points 292%
276234 of 300000Geth Hunter Points 390%
409477 of 450000Biotic Explosions Detonated 290%
226 of 250Atlas Points 288%
265423 of 300000Promotions88%
32 of 36