- Summary
Time played:436H 11M 31SGames played:1267Current Credits:75,172Leaderboards:#18,451 (Top 1%)#13,818 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Krogan Warlord ExtractionsJul 18, 2021 20:16Centurion Points 1Jul 18, 2021 20:15Shockwave UseJul 5, 2014 00:39Dragoon Points 1Jul 5, 2014 00:18Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Jul 4, 2014 22:50Geth Hunter Points 2Jul 4, 2014 22:40Geth Trooper Points 3Jul 4, 2014 22:34Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jul 4, 2014 22:16Banshee Points 3Jul 4, 2014 21:28M-358 Talon UseMay 31, 2014 19:25
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Pistol Mastery87%
7 of 8Phantom Points 197%
146525 of 150000Points Earned96%
24055268 of 25000000Kishock Harpoon Gun Use95%
134162 of 140000Atlas Points 195%
143600 of 150000Reave Use94%
47163 of 50000Promotions93%
45 of 48Geth Bomber Points 293%
281772 of 300000Over-Cover Grab 192%
46 of 50