
- Summary
Time played:214H 50M 19SGames played:593Current Credits:1,517Leaderboards:#68,672 (Top 4%)#21,728 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Particle Rifle UseMay 12, 2020 07:12Spectre MasteryMay 12, 2020 05:39Points EarnedMay 12, 2020 05:39Guardian Points 2May 10, 2020 16:45Geth Spitfire UseJan 4, 2019 18:38Marauder Points 3Jan 4, 2019 18:17Electrical Hammer UseJan 4, 2019 17:44Geth Spitfire UseJan 4, 2019 14:22Geth MasterySep 13, 2015 20:38Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Sep 13, 2015 20:38
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Centurion Points 299%
298762 of 300000Assault Rifle Medals97%
97 of 100Overload Use96%
48019 of 50000Throw Use95%
47599 of 50000Male Quarian Infiltrator Waves Completed95%
190 of 200Collector Trooper Points 295%
286745 of 300000Nemesis Points 193%
140606 of 150000Husk Points 293%
280250 of 300000