
- Summary
Time played:282H 12M 29SGames played:900Current Credits:13,431Leaderboards:#165,339 (Top 9%)#21,714 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 3Apr 8, 2021 03:24Turian Havoc Waves CompletedApr 8, 2021 03:15Cryo Blast UseApr 8, 2021 03:09In-Game Medals EarnedApr 8, 2021 02:29Spectre MasteryApr 8, 2021 02:29Assault Rifle MedalsApr 8, 2021 01:48First Aid MedalsApr 6, 2021 02:13AT-12 Raider Shotgun UseApr 6, 2021 01:37Centurion Points 1Apr 4, 2021 02:32Geth Plasma Shotgun UseApr 4, 2021 02:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Map Mastery90%
36 of 40Shockwave Use97%
48761 of 50000Dragoon Points 292%
276593 of 300000Scion Points 391%
413600 of 450000Guardian Points 190%
135323 of 150000N7 Demolisher Extractions90%
9 of 10Carnage Use89%
44606 of 50000Submission Net Use89%
44514 of 50000Collector Captain Points 387%
394490 of 450000