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Multiplayer Manifest
Last updated at 2025-03-23 19:15:15 GMT
Progress in-game may take up to 15 minutes to appear here.
Weapon Mods
M-8 Avenger X
M-3 Predator X
M-23 Katana X
M-4 Shuriken X
M-92 Mantis X
M-15 Vindicator IV
M-96 Mattock III
Phaeston II
M-5 Phalanx III
M-27 Scimitar IV
M-22 Eviscerator IV
M-9 Tempest I
M-12 Locust I
M-97 Viper V
M-13 Raptor IV
M-29 Incisor IV
M-76 Revenant V
Striker Assault Rifle VIII
Geth Pulse Rifle IV
M-37 Falcon VII
Collector Rifle IV
M-55 Argus V
Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle
Arc Pistol II
M-11 Suppressor
M-6 Carnifex V
Executioner Pistol
Acolyte IV
AT-12 Raider VIII
Reegar Carbine II
Graal Spike Thrower VI
Geth Plasma Shotgun VIII
Disciple VIII
M-300 Claymore IV
N7 Piranha III
M-25 Hornet VII
Geth Plasma SMG VI
M-98 Widow V
Krysae Sniper Rifle IV
Collector Sniper Rifle VI
Kishock Harpoon Gun VI
Ultra Rare
N7 Valkyrie III
Geth Spitfire I
M-99 Saber I
Particle Rifle III
M-7 Lancer
N7 Typhoon II
Cerberus Harrier III
M-358 Talon II
Scorpion II
M-77 Paladin III
N7 Eagle
M-11 Wraith I
Venom Shotgun
N7 Crusader
N7 Hurricane II
Collector SMG II
Blood Pack Punisher
N7 Valiant II
Javelin III
M-90 Indra IV
Black Widow
Assault Rifle Precision Scope II
Assault Rifle Stability Damper V
Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade V
Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip V
Shotgun High Caliber Barrel IV
Shotgun Blade Attachment II
Shotgun Smart Choke V
Pistol High-Caliber Barrel IV
Pistol Scope V
Pistol Magazine Upgrade III
SMG Scope I
SMG Magazine Upgrade V
SMG Heat Sink III
Assault Rifle Extended Barrel IV
Assault Rifle Piercing Mod I
Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel I
Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope
Sniper Rifle Piercing Mod IV
Shotgun Spare Thermal Clip IV
Shotgun Shredder Mod
Pistol Melee Stunner
Pistol Piercing Mod III
SMG High Caliber Barrel V
SMG Ultralight Materials I
Assault Rifle Thermal Scope II
Pistol Cranial Trauma System I
Pistol Heavy Barrel
Ultralight Pistol Materials
Shotgun High-Velocity Barrel I
Shotgun Omni-Blade II
SMG High-Velocity Barrel III
SMG Recoil System
Sniper Rifle High-Velocity Barrel
Sniper Rifle Thermal Scope II
Assault Rifle Omni-Blade II
Assault Rifle High-Velocity Barrel I
Assault Rifle Ultralight Materials
Sniper Rifle Ultralight Materials
Shotgun Ultralight Materials
Pistol Power Magnifier
SMG Power Magnifier
Female Human Adept
Male Human Adept
Female Human Engineer
Male Human Engineer
Female Human Infiltrator
Male Human Infiltrator
Female Human Sentinel
Male Human Sentinel
Female Human Soldier
Male Human Soldier
Female Human Vanguard
Male Human Vanguard
Drell Adept
Salarian Engineer
Quarian Infiltrator
Turian Sentinel
Turian Soldier
Asari Vanguard
Asari Adept
Quarian Engineer
Salarian Infiltrator
Krogan Sentinel
Krogan Soldier
Drell Vanguard
Geth Engineer
Geth Infiltrator
Batarian Soldier
Batarian Sentinel
Battlefield 3 Soldier
Krogan Battlemaster
Asari Justicar
Vorcha Soldier
Vorcha Sentinel
Quarian Engineer
Quarian Infiltrator
Human Adept
Human Vanguard
N7 Fury
N7 Demolisher
N7 Paladin
N7 Slayer
N7 Shadow
N7 Destroyer
Turian Havoc
Turian Ghost
Turian Saboteur
Drell Assassin
Volus Mercenary
Geth Trooper
Volus Protector
Batarian Slasher
Vorcha Hunter
Asari Huntress
Asari Valkyrie
Quarian Marksman
Batarian Brawler
Krogan Shaman
Geth Juggernaut
Krogan Warlord
Talon Mercenary
Cabal Vanguard
Alliance Infiltration Unit
Ultra Rare
Volus Adept
Volus Engineer
Awakened Collector
Thermal Clip Pack - 35
Medi-Gel - 0
Cobra Missile Launcher - 5
Ops Survival Pack - 19
Thermal Clip Capacity - 5
Medi-Gel Capacity - 6
Cobra Missile Launcher Capacity - 6
Ops Survival Pack Capacity - 6
Reset Powers - 2
Incendiary Rounds I - 0
Incendiary Rounds II - 0
Incendiary Rounds III - 0
Incendiary Rounds IV - 0
Disruptor Rounds I - 0
Disruptor Rounds II - 0
Disruptor Rounds III - 0
Disruptor Rounds IV - 0
Armor-Piercing Rounds I - 0
Armor-Piercing Rounds II - 0
Armor-Piercing Rounds III - 0
Armor-Piercing Rounds IV - 0
Warp Rounds I - 0
Warp Rounds II - 0
Warp Rounds III - 0
Warp Rounds IV - 0
Cryo Rounds I - 0
Cryo Rounds II - 0
Cryo Rounds III - 0
Cryo Rounds IV - 0
Explosive Rounds I - 0
Explosive Rounds II - 0
Explosive Rounds III - 0
Drill Rounds I - 0
Drill Rounds II - 0
Drill Rounds III - 0
Phasic Rounds I - 0
Phasic Rounds II - 0
Phasic Rounds III - 0
Stabilization Module I - 0
Stabilization Module II - 0
Stabilization Module III - 0
Shield Power Cells I - 0
Shield Power Cells II - 0
Shield Power Cells III - 0
Power Efficiency Module I - 0
Power Efficiency Module II - 0
Power Efficiency Module III - 0
Adrenaline Module I - 0
Adrenaline Module II - 0
Adrenaline Module III - 0
Cyclonic Modulator I - 0
Cyclonic Modulator II - 0
Cyclonic Modulator III - 0
Cyclonic Modulator IV - 0
Power Amplifier Module I - 0
Power Amplifier Module II - 0
Power Amplifier Module III - 0
Power Amplifier Module IV - 0
Strength Enhancer I - 0
Strength Enhancer II - 0
Strength Enhancer III - 0
Targeting VI I - 0
Targeting VI II - 0
Targeting VI III - 0
Assault Rifle Rail Amp I - 0
Assault Rifle Rail Amp II - 0
Assault Rifle Rail Amp III - 0
Sniper Rifle Rail Amp I - 3
Sniper Rifle Rail Amp II - 6
Sniper Rifle Rail Amp III - 4
Shotgun Rail Amp I - 2
Shotgun Rail Amp II - 0
Shotgun Rail Amp III - 3
Pistol Rail Amp I - 1
Pistol Rail Amp II - 4
Pistol Rail Amp III - 2
SMG Rail Amp I - 1
SMG Rail Amp II - 0
SMG Rail Amp III - 0
Hydraulic Joints
Vulnerability VI I
Mental Focuser
Structural Ergonomics
Shield Booster III
Multicapacitor II
Assault Rifle Amp
Sniper Rifle Amp
Shotgun Amp
Pistol Amp I
Thermal Clip Storage V
Adaptive War Amp
Engineering Kit I
Densified Ammunition I
Grenade Capacity I
Warfighter Package I
Commando Package V
Stronghold Package III
Berserker Package II
Expert Package II
Operative Package II
Combatives Upgrade III
Martial Biotic Amp V
Juggernaut Shield
Shock Trooper Upgrade II
Guerrilla Upgrade II
Omni-Capacitors I
Barrage Upgrade II
Medi-Gel Transmitter III
Armored Compartments V
Responder Loadout III
Survivor Loadout III
Assault Loadout V
Geth Scanner
Batarian Gauntlet